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AMOSIL - Little Green choices

Sustainable packaging refers to the use of materials and processes that have minimal impact on the
environment throughout their lifecycle – from sourcing raw materials to production,
transportation, usage, and disposal or recycling.

This approach aims to minimize waste, reduce carbon emissions, save energy and
resources while maintaining product quality and safety standards.


Why is Sustainable Packaging Important?

These are the little green choices we have made so far regarding our packaging

1. When we develop new packaging for our products, we consider that the products must be able to be packed in
parcels and transport boxes as appropriately as possible, so that as little "air" as possible is transported.

2. We use less and less plastic when we develop packaging for our products – for example, we have
replaced plastic inserts with cardboard inserts. In general, we avoid plastic and use cardboard wherever possible.

3. We design our packaging so that the same packaging can be used for most of the world; this reduces our packaging waste.

4. Only a few colors are printed on our packaging, and we do not use metallic foils and other effects that could result in unnecessary waste of material.

5. We are in the process of updating our packaging with recycling codes; the labeling must facilitate sorting when the packaging is collected as
waste and with a view to being recycled. The requirement for the recycling codes is part of "Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)"*,
which is a new agreement that comes into effect in 2024/2025.

*What is Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)?
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is an environmental policy approach that holds producers accountable for the post-consumer management of their products.
This concept has gained significant traction in recent years as governments and organizations worldwide recognize the need to reduce waste, save resources,
and protect the environment. EPR shifts the responsibility for waste management from local governments and tax payers to the companies that produce and profit from these goods.

The packaging industry is a major contributor to waste. EPR policies for packaging require producers to contribute financially or physically to the collection, recycling, and disposal of their used packaging materials.

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